Tornos Research Center
After many years of sporadic collaboration through TT-Novatech, Tornos and Haute Ecole Suisse Arc Ingénierie (Engineering High School) in St-Imier have decided to strengthen their already close relationship by creating the Tornos Research Center. This strategic collaboration between HE-Arc and Tornos will take shape at the start of 2011 in the Technological Park premises in St-Imier, some thirty kilometres from Moutier.
The goals of the partnership are clear: we want our machines to be easier to access and use, and we want to make them more powerful by using technologies which have been adapted and, in particular, can be adapted to our field of activity. In the long term, we are going to work on mechanical design, machining processes, advanced control and mechatronics as well as modelling and simulation.

Through TRC, we want to prepare for the future as our field of activity still has numerous challenges to overcome. We are certain that, by combining our experience and the young, creative spirit in HE-Arc, we will be able to remain competitive for our customers by means of solutions which incorporate the latest technologies.
In mechanical design terms, the collaboration will mainly focus on the creation of simulation models. These digital tools play a decisive role in optimising the static, dynamic or thermal behaviour of structures.
Test machine instrumentation is used to study machining conditions. This type of measurement has many potential applications for increasing productivity, facilitating set-up or even for analysing the machine’s status.